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Privacy Policy

Last update: May 22, 2024


At Trafi, we take the protection of your personal data very seriously. The goal of this Privacy Policy is to help you understand what personal data we collect from you via this website, why it is collected, who we share it with, and how you can exercise your rights when you trust us to handle your data for you. 


We ask that you read this Privacy Policy carefully and familiarize yourself with its content:


  1. Channels of communication

    1. Contacting us

    2. Whistleblowing channel

    3. Other channels

  2. Trafi Ads

  3. Cookies on our Website

    1. Which Cookies do we use? 

    2. How do you withdraw your consent and delete Cookies? 

    3. How to delete your personal data from Cookies set in the Past?

  4. Your data may be shared with these Third Parties

  5. How long will we store your data for?

  6. What rights do you have in relation to your data?

  7. Contact Trafi

  8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

How and why do we use your personal data?

If you wish to use some of our website features (e.g. to contact us, or request a demo) then you may provide personal data to us. The personal data we collect therefore depends on the services you are using and also you may decide whether to provide some information at your discretion in the available information brackets. Also, our website uses cookies which may include personal data. For more details please read below.

1. Channels of Communication

  1. Contacting us

If you’d like to schedule a demo, learn more about Trafi, or ask us a question, you may contact us directly via email at and/or schedule a meeting via “Get in touch” and provide us with your personal data such as your name, surname, email address, phone or other information which you provide on your discretion in the available information brackets. You may also send us an email with your email address and other personal contact information included. We will process this personal data to administer your account, to assist you with your request, and/or to provide you with products and services.

You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time by contacting at any time.


   2. Whistleblowing channel

If you are aware of any suspected or actual illegal, unethical or inappropriate events relating to Trafi, you may report them on the website via our whistleblowing channel, you will find all needed information and details how to report here. Please see this link to see which information may be required, but also please note that provision of such information remains at your discretion.

We will keep your provided personal data no longer as we consider necessary for the purposes why your data were collected and to comply with our legal obligations and contractual obligations, resolve disputes and investigate reported breach or inappropriate behavior.


   3. Other channels

We might have communications through other channels or you might also enter into contact with us directly; for instance, by sending an email to any of our employees, to our generic emails (e.g. and/or by other platforms. In these situations, we will use the data only if based on your consent, if we have a contract with you or if we have a legitimate business interest to do so. We may also use the data as required or permitted by law to comply with our legal obligations. 

2. Trafi Ads

    2.1 Trafi Ads on LinkedIn 


Trafi also uses another LinkedIn service: the Linkedin Ad Campaigns. As such, Trafi requests LinkedIn to match our campaigns with target audience profiles (e.g. based on a relevant country, or industry).


To ensure data minimization, Trafi only sees the data reports from the ad campaign on an aggregate level so we can assess the performance and effectiveness of our advertisements and campaigns without having access to any data that identifies each individual. We will see the data of our target’s audience aggregated like their locations or impressions. 


Note that to receive these aggregated reports, LinkedIn may track you and send you target advertisements. Please check out LinkedIn’s privacy policy to get further information and LinkedIn Ad preferences to manage your ad preferences. If you don’t wish to receive ads, please manage your preferences on LinkedIn accordingly. Again, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact us at to help you.

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Table of cookies 2
Table of cookies 3

3. Cookies on our Website

A cookie is a text file that is placed on your device by a web page server. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and therefore they might include personal data.


The website uses cookies and similar technologies to enable the website to work properly, to improve and measure the performance of the website, to send marketing information, and/or to build profiles and show ads. 


You must have control over your data so you can give consent or withdraw your consent for each cookie category (except for the Essential cookies) at any time by selecting your preferences in “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our website.


   3.1 Which Cookies do we use? 


Essential cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary for the website to provide the services that you requested and/or for the sole purpose of the transmission of the services and/or the website. Without these cookies, you would not be able to access the website. Therefore, this category cannot be disabled.



Analytics Cookies: These cookies help us to improve and measure the performance of our website by collecting and reporting information on how you use it. These cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our website, discover errors, and provide better overall analytics. We only place these cookies if you have provided your prior consent. 

Table of cookies 4

Marketing Cookies: Currently, we do not collect any marketing cookies. These cookies are added to the website to send marketing information and/or for statistical purposes. These cookies may track users’ information regarding user’s questionnaires and messages. However, our third parties such as LinkedIn, and Instagram (ref. Embedded LinkedIn, Instagram feed) may collect marketing cookies for advertising purposes.

Functional Cookies: Currently, we do not collect any functional cookies. are used to enhance the visibility and/or functionality of a website making the browser experience better for the user. For example, remembering the language preferences of a page the user visited before. However, our third party such as LinkedIn, and Instagram (ref. Embedded LinkedIn, Instagram feed) may be using functional cookies.


     3.2. How do you withdraw your consent and delete Cookies? 


Cookies Preferences: You can withdraw your consent for each cookie category (except essential cookies) at any time by selecting your preferences in “Cookie Preferences”. By using our Cookies Preferences and revoking your consent, the cookies therein described will be deleted. 


Using Your Browser: All the cookies used on our website can be disabled through your browser. To disable cookies through your browser, follow your browser instructions. Normally within the “Help,” “Tools” or “Edit” menus in your browser. Please note that blocking or deleting cookies may lead to reduced functionality of some features on the website. Therefore, the website may not function optimally without enabled cookies, in particular essential cookies.


     3.3 How to delete your personal data from Cookies Set in the past?


Collection of your data from cookies can be stopped at any time if you revoke your consent. Note that the information collected prior to the preference change may still be used. However, we will stop using the disabled cookie to collect any further information from your user experience. 


As we aim to give you the highest protection, if you wish to also delete your personal data from the cookies you set in the past, simply reach out to and we will accommodate such a request in due time.



4. Your Data may be shared with these Third Parties


We are committed to keeping your data confidential and will not disclose it to third parties, unless this is required and/or allowed by law and will ensure that proper security measures apply. We share your data with Trafi Group companies, i.e. affiliates (an entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by Trafi, for contact details and more information please see the section “Contact Trafi” below). Also our Website may include services from third parties or may redirect you to third parties’ sites. 


Under agreements with these service providers, we contractually define that our contracted service providers must use personal data solely for the agreed purposes and not to disclose your personal data to other parties, unless this is required and/or allowed by law.

5. How long will we store your data for?

We will keep your data for as long as necessary and/or for as long as you give us consent to do so. If you withdraw your consent, we will not send you any further communications and delete your personal data, unless we have a legitimate interest to keep it or if we need the data to comply with any of our legal or contractual obligations. We may use anonymous data derived from or incorporating your personal data after we delete it, but no longer in a manner that could identify you personally.

6. What rights do you have in relation to your data?

We understand that you may at times need further information from us regarding your personal data and how it is processed or that you may wish to update or correct the personal data you have provided us with. In light hereof, you have the following rights within the limits of the applicable data protection laws and appropriateness : 


  • Right to access your personal data: you have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and information.

  • Right to data portability: you have the right to request that we provide you with your personal data in a machine-readable format as well as the right to request its transmission to another data controller.

  • Right to rectification of personal data: if you find that personal data that we process about you is inaccurate, you have the right to have us correct such personal data. 

  • Right to erasure of personal data (right to be forgotten): under certain circumstances, such as if your personal data has been unlawfully processed or you have withdrawn your consent (if the processing of your personal data is based on consent), you have the right to request and obtain the erasure of your personal data from us. 

  • Right to restriction of processing: under certain circumstances, such as if you question the accuracy of your personal data or you have objected to our legitimate purpose for processing your personal data, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data until a solution has been found.

  • Right to object to processing: under certain circumstances, such as if you question the legitimate interest to process your personal data, you have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to such processing. Moreover, with regard to our optional activities, for instance, our personalized information, you have the right to object at any time and free of charge. 

  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: you have the right to lodge a complaint regarding our processing of your personal data with your supervisory authority. However, we always seek to resolve any dispute relating to us and our activities by negotiations, therefore please contact us by email to

If our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time (this will however not affect the processing based on your consent before its withdrawal) by contacting us.

To exercise your rights, you may contact us at

7. How can you contact Trafi?

Trafi Ltd., address of registered office C/O Ohs Secretaries Ltd 9th Floor 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN, United Kingdom, is the data controller in respect of your personal data being used and processed for the purposes described in this Policy.


Trafi Gmbh, address of registered office Kurfürstendamm 14, 10719 Berlin.


UAB “Intelligent Communications”, company code 300882953, address of registered office RinktinÄ—s st. 5, LT-09234 Vilnius.

Please feel free to contact us and our DPO by email at

8. Changes to this privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time at our discretion. Therefore, you should make sure to review the latest version of this policy on a regular basis. Any updated version of this Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon the posting of the Privacy Policy unless otherwise specified. 

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